Google Is Testing A New Way To Login That Not Requires Password To Be Entered
Sign in. On desktop versions of Chrome, signing into or out of any Google web service, like google.com, signs you into or out of Chrome. You can turn this off in settings. Learn more. On Chrome on Android and iOS, when you sign into any Google web service, Chrome may offer to sign you in with the Google Accounts that are already signed in on the device. You can turn this off in settings. Learn more. If you are signed in to Chrome with your Google Account, Chrome may offer to save your passwords, payment methods and related information to your Google Account. This personal information will be used and protected in accordance with the Google Privacy Policy.
Now that you have linked your Services Online and login.gov accounts, you will need to use your login.gov email address, password, and two-factor authentication every time you want to sign into Services Online.
When you type a password to sign in, create an account, or change your password, GitHub will check if the password you entered is considered weak according to datasets like HaveIBeenPwned. The password may be identified as weak even if you have never used that password before.